Over the pandemic, many of us found ourselves trying new hobbies and/or organizing our homes and asking “does this spark joy?” Now, as we return to a sense of normal, we have a pile of items we bought for the pandemic hobbies that never stuck or things we have owned for years that don’t bring us joy.

Well, it’s time to beat inflation and start getting some money into your wallet. With GroupnShop you can take those rarely used items and make money by renting or selling them.

Here are three questions you should ask yourself when trying to decide whether you should rent an item or sell it.

Question 1: Do I have a need for this item in the next year?

This probably seems like an obvious question but it’s one to start out with. It’s hard to know what our lives will look like in the span of 12 months, but if you know of a use for items (a planned renovation, party or corporate sports league) you should hold onto them to avoid purchasing or renting them again.

But that doesn’t mean that you should skip out on making money. When you are not using these items, you should pick to rent them on GroupnShop. It’s quick, easy and you can set daily or weekly rates.

Question 2: Is this item something other people need, but likely wouldn’t buy? 

If your item is something needed for short-term projects, one-off events or used for curiosity (think of those pandemic hobbies), selling these items might prove to be difficult. The reality is people aren’t purchasing items that they will likely only use once. They’re renting them, if available because it’s more cost-effective.

The benefit is that you can make money repeatedly if you rent the item on GroupnShop. Commonly rented items include power tools, event/party supplies, formal wear, fitness or sporting equipment and crafting items.

Question 3: Do you have the space to store this item?

Whether you are in a small apartment or in a house with a basement, space is valuable. And just because you have stored an item for months or years before – doesn’t mean that you can’t use that space for something else.

If you don’t have the space to store the item – it’s time to sell it. Clean it off, take some great pictures and do a QuickPost on GroupnShop. You’ll connect with buyers across the site and get the item off your hands and money into your wallet.

Sign up for a GroupnShop account to move your items and make money today.